Liste Art Fair Basel
Liste Art Fair Basel, Basel (Šveits), 2021
Kogo galerii käis maailma olulisimal noorte galeriide kunstimessil Liste Art Fair Basel. Šelda Puķīte kureerimisel esitleti Eike Epliku ja Mari-Leen Kiipli teoseid. Lähemalt Kogo kodulehel.
Kogo gallery participated in the Liste Art Fair Basel, the world's most significant art fair for young galleries. Curated by Šelda Puķīte, the works of Eike Eplik and Mari-Leen Kiipli were presented. For more information, visit the Kogo website.
Kogo galerii valiti Šveitsis toimuvale kunstimessile Liste Art Fair Basel, ERR, 30.03.2021
Foto: Gina Folly